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Kimberly Williams

Water Walker    


   I have experienced my share of storms. The worst have been in the throes of grief and loss. I want to share with you the calm that comes in knowing the maker of the storms.


   I am married to a wonderful man and have three beautiful children. Looking at my life now, you would assume that I have had it easy. We do that sometimes; make assumptions when we only look on the outside. I want to invite you to peer inside and witness the power of Jesus Christ.  


   I was a sinner, lost, dying, gasping for air under the weight of my own depravity. I lived a life full of fornication and sought after love in men. It was after my conversion that overwhelming grief struck my life. My little sister, the one born on my birthday, was brutally murdered in her apartment. She was led down the stairs and shot execution style. It was then that God revealed His perfect peace in the storm. My heart was grieving; I couldn't eat, I woke up crying for months, I lived in constant fear and dread.  But the Master was teaching me to trust Him. Through this storm I learned how to walk on the water.


   Over the past 18 months, the waves began to crash once again. This time it was through a failed adoption. Not just a failed adoption, but through lies and deception by someone claiming to be a Christian. My faith was wracked and I was shaken like never before.  I thought this might just sink me, but God once again taught me to walk. He used Joshua 1:9 to speak to me: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." I was encouraged by God to speak up and fight back. I traveled to Haiti on October 7, 2013 and faced the enemy's lies. Through the power that God equipped me with, I reunited the little girl I thought to be ours with her mommy. This storm has given me such strength, courage, and hope. I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


   My prayer is that you would come to know the Maker of the storms. I want to encourage you to get out of the boat onto the crashing waves and trust in the ONE who made them. I want to teach you how to allow your trials to refine you and shape you into what Christ intends for you to be. I want you to know that when the waves crash and you feel as though you are drowning, HE is with you.


   I look forward to meeting with you. my friends. Let's kiss the waves that crash our souls and learn how to walk to HIM.


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